well, the need to simplify and uncomplicate my life means that I have to put my t-girl activities on the back burner for awhile.
I have in fact already put my en femme activities on hold and other than a brief outing one evening and a few brief moments online, I effectively haven't been expressing and participating in my usual en femme activities. The lack of it has however been causing me some anxiety and stress and I think it's time to accept that I should formally put it on the back burner until such time as my time availability returns to normal. When will that be? I have no idea...the past 18 months have been crazy crazy and I can see that lasting for the at least the next 12 months, and possibly even for the next 3 years.
This decision of mine does not mine that I forsake my transgenderism. I am transgendered, will always be transgendered and I see that aspect of me as a gift and an advantage in the way I live and conduct my life. I also don't intend to "purge"...I'll kep my clothes and makeup for those ocassional opportunities that I may find over the next one to three years.
I will miss my many friends...in fact, I already miss all of you who I have neglected and not seen or communicated with over the past months. That's the saddest thing about being in the closet...the complications and limitations that are placed on these TG-related friendships of mine.
Hope to be back and active as soon as possible; but for now my work-life is all consuming and the few spare moments of free time that I have needs to be kept for devoting to my family-relationships.
Bye for now, but not bye for always.
Heaps of hugs and love to my very special friends. You've all contributed to my happiness and knowing you has helped me get through some very difficult and traumatic times.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
End of my Canberra-era
My Canberra-era has probably reached a closure point.
For the past 15 months I've been travelling to Canberra on business on a very regular basis...at least monthly and often for many weeks in a row. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to be "Dee" and go out as the total and true Me. Sadly my need to travel to Canberra this regularly has come to an end. It will be sad not to regularly see the many people I've become friends with. No more "resident tranny" at Knightsbridge Penthouse!!
My last night turned out to be a bit of a fizzer...but it was still a fitting and happy ending.
I wasn't sure whether I'd have the time to go out...work work work...damn work!! So I didn't make any arrangements to meet up with anyone. I was working in my hotel room trying to meet a critical deadline. As I often do, I was progressively putting on my makeup while I was working...work for a half-an-hour, then do the foundation...work for another half and hour and the eyes get done...and so the transformation and work progresses side by side.
By 9.30pm my face was done...still heaps of work work to do, but I was sick of it. Besides, this was my "last" night in Canberra, so how could I not go out.
And my face was PERFECT...the best I've ever done my eyes and the lips were just perfect perfect as well (I guess practice does make perfect...eventually).
The outfit...new rouge longsleeved t-shirt top from Ojay, jeans, stillettos, black short trench coat (new off eBay). Gorgeous (if I have to say so myself)!!
Run the gauntlet out of the hotel and hope like hell that I don't bump into a work colleague who often stays at the same hotel. Into the car (red V6 3.0 litre Jeep Wrangler...very feminine...lol) and off to Knightsbridge Penthouse. My fav bar as regular readers would know. As the resident-tranny I know the owner and most of the bar staff and many many of the regular patrons. Always a wonderful evening chatting to many different and interesting people.
Major disappointment!! I get to Knightsbridge Penthouse and it's closed!!! Major damnation!! I won't get to say "Hi and Bye" to Bria and my many other friends.
What now? Back to the lonely hotel room? No way!!
Off to Tilley's...quiet at Tilley's; almost closing time there. And it's not really a venue where you get to meet and talk to strangers. Anyway, had a glass of wine...was found somewhat unusual and amusing to some young student chicks...not in a horrible way, but they kept glancing at me and whispering. No problem for me...I'm afterall an exhibitionist at heart.
Got bored there, so went to Trinity Bar. Great bar, although I have run into some narrowminded macho young guys there in the past. No problem tonight. Another quiet glass of wine on my own. Then got bored there as well. Into the ladies loo for a "retuck" and to touch up my lipstick.
Where to now?
Ah, let's head into slightly more "squares-ville" and show the "normal" people what a real live tranny looks and acts like. Its now 11pm and I'm thinking of one of two options...either go for coffee and dessert at a trendy (and expensive) restaurant which I've often thought of having a meal at; or go to Muddle, a trendy bar for the "30-40 somethings".
Got there and the restaurant was closing up...so it's option 2, Muddle.
Walked into Muddle and it's PACKED!! You could hardly move in there. A quiet unobtrusive entry is impossible. Squeeze squeeze "excuse me, excuse me" through to the bar area. But everyone was ever so polite...mainly young professionals (well young by my age-standards) and the guys ever so politely moved aside for me to squeeze through...just as they would for any lady trying to get to the bar. Nice feeling and nice manners displayed by all of them. Just normal!! And that's how I like it. Guys didn't give me a second look; ladies did. Funny about that...the women always "check me out". But then I guess women always check each other out in any case.
Delicious creamy cocktail. Most enjoyable, but again very "quiet" in that it isn't the type of bar where strangers talk to strangers...unlike Knightsbridge Penthouse where I've always ended up in delightful and interesting chats with total strangers. Interesting how an owner (Bria at Knightsbridge P) attracts patrons that reflect her own friendly open communicative manner.
The evening ended quietly as it started...finished my cocktail and headed back to the hotel. made it safely to my room without encountering the nightwatchman or my work colleague.
Not the "last night" I had in mind, but still a very very happy evening and a contented Dee.
PS. Forgot my camera at home...damn...would have loved to have had pics of me with my perfect makeup and gorgeous outfit...ah well, the evening will simply have to be recorded in my memory.
For the past 15 months I've been travelling to Canberra on business on a very regular basis...at least monthly and often for many weeks in a row. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to be "Dee" and go out as the total and true Me. Sadly my need to travel to Canberra this regularly has come to an end. It will be sad not to regularly see the many people I've become friends with. No more "resident tranny" at Knightsbridge Penthouse!!
My last night turned out to be a bit of a fizzer...but it was still a fitting and happy ending.
I wasn't sure whether I'd have the time to go out...work work work...damn work!! So I didn't make any arrangements to meet up with anyone. I was working in my hotel room trying to meet a critical deadline. As I often do, I was progressively putting on my makeup while I was working...work for a half-an-hour, then do the foundation...work for another half and hour and the eyes get done...and so the transformation and work progresses side by side.
By 9.30pm my face was done...still heaps of work work to do, but I was sick of it. Besides, this was my "last" night in Canberra, so how could I not go out.
And my face was PERFECT...the best I've ever done my eyes and the lips were just perfect perfect as well (I guess practice does make perfect...eventually).
The outfit...new rouge longsleeved t-shirt top from Ojay, jeans, stillettos, black short trench coat (new off eBay). Gorgeous (if I have to say so myself)!!
Run the gauntlet out of the hotel and hope like hell that I don't bump into a work colleague who often stays at the same hotel. Into the car (red V6 3.0 litre Jeep Wrangler...very feminine...lol) and off to Knightsbridge Penthouse. My fav bar as regular readers would know. As the resident-tranny I know the owner and most of the bar staff and many many of the regular patrons. Always a wonderful evening chatting to many different and interesting people.
Major disappointment!! I get to Knightsbridge Penthouse and it's closed!!! Major damnation!! I won't get to say "Hi and Bye" to Bria and my many other friends.
What now? Back to the lonely hotel room? No way!!
Off to Tilley's...quiet at Tilley's; almost closing time there. And it's not really a venue where you get to meet and talk to strangers. Anyway, had a glass of wine...was found somewhat unusual and amusing to some young student chicks...not in a horrible way, but they kept glancing at me and whispering. No problem for me...I'm afterall an exhibitionist at heart.
Got bored there, so went to Trinity Bar. Great bar, although I have run into some narrowminded macho young guys there in the past. No problem tonight. Another quiet glass of wine on my own. Then got bored there as well. Into the ladies loo for a "retuck" and to touch up my lipstick.
Where to now?
Ah, let's head into slightly more "squares-ville" and show the "normal" people what a real live tranny looks and acts like. Its now 11pm and I'm thinking of one of two options...either go for coffee and dessert at a trendy (and expensive) restaurant which I've often thought of having a meal at; or go to Muddle, a trendy bar for the "30-40 somethings".
Got there and the restaurant was closing up...so it's option 2, Muddle.
Walked into Muddle and it's PACKED!! You could hardly move in there. A quiet unobtrusive entry is impossible. Squeeze squeeze "excuse me, excuse me" through to the bar area. But everyone was ever so polite...mainly young professionals (well young by my age-standards) and the guys ever so politely moved aside for me to squeeze through...just as they would for any lady trying to get to the bar. Nice feeling and nice manners displayed by all of them. Just normal!! And that's how I like it. Guys didn't give me a second look; ladies did. Funny about that...the women always "check me out". But then I guess women always check each other out in any case.
Delicious creamy cocktail. Most enjoyable, but again very "quiet" in that it isn't the type of bar where strangers talk to strangers...unlike Knightsbridge Penthouse where I've always ended up in delightful and interesting chats with total strangers. Interesting how an owner (Bria at Knightsbridge P) attracts patrons that reflect her own friendly open communicative manner.
The evening ended quietly as it started...finished my cocktail and headed back to the hotel. made it safely to my room without encountering the nightwatchman or my work colleague.
Not the "last night" I had in mind, but still a very very happy evening and a contented Dee.
PS. Forgot my camera at home...damn...would have loved to have had pics of me with my perfect makeup and gorgeous outfit...ah well, the evening will simply have to be recorded in my memory.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Rock Chick in Pink...messing around at home

So today I decided to take it easy; do a few personal things and work at a leisurely pace at home...the past month (year? year and a half?) has been crazy crazy from a work perspective. I therefore felt I deserved a break...and I do!!
First thing...off to Double Bay; coffee and some emails...then to Sharon-Lee Studio to have my eyebrows shaped...wonderful and relaxing and Natalie (who knows that I'ma tranny) did a wonderful job as always.
Next of to Surrey Hills to look for a ring...couldn't find one I liked, so off to Paddington. Still couldn't find one, so headed home.
Mmmm...shaped eyebrows so off course I had to get dressed and do my makeup.
I've got this yearning to play in a rock band as a tranny. But I'm not going to subject the public to my guitar playing...happy to subjecth the public to me as a tranny, but a completely different thing for them to have to listen to my musical abilities.
The next best thing was to do a few poses with my guitar.
Most enjoyable...and at least it helps me to dream sweet fantasies.
For those interested, more pics on my Flickr site
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Celebrity Look-alikes....where's Elle MacPherson?
Juest did this really funny celebrity look alike thingie that I saw on Kat's blog. Mine is hilarious.
Here's the link to mine.
Here's the link to mine.
Mastered the art of painting my nails...almost
Travelling on business again. So last night I got to my hotel, unpacked my goodies, got dressed up in my femme clothes, makeup and all those things...and the settled down to paint my finger nails. And I did them perfectly...and that with my cheapish practice nail polish. Felt really proud and off course I thought my nails and fingers looked just beautiful.
Tonight, same thing. Came home (well to the hotel), got dressed up partially...which means light makeup, lippie, girls jeans, high heels, cami top...oh yes and earrings and bracelet...and off course perfume...just loooooooove perfume.
Anyway, sat on the terrace of my room with a glass of wine and painted my nails with my fav MAC nail polish...Mmmm, not as successful this time. But I've learnt that some clear varnish over the top afterwards can hide a multitude of bothch ups.
So all round I'm fairly pleased with my nails.
Then I felt like a drink...cool bar just down the round from the hotel. What to do...take off make up and nail polish? No way!
Well I did take off my lipstick, earrings and bracelet and threw on a man's sweater over my femmie camisole. Oh yes, and switched the high heels for a pair of Doc Martins.
Of to the cocktail bar...girls jeans, foundation, eye shadow, mascara, nail polish and my girl's "mood" ring.
And nobody even made a comment...damn...I'm such an exhibitionist and a comment would have been great!!! LOL
Sat and drank a lovely glass of wine, flashing my hands around in a very feminine manner...and listened to a group of chicks discuss their shoes. All very relaxing and interesting. Mind you, they were discussing heel heights...mine are much higher than any of them were comfortable with...but then what does comfort have to do with it in any case.
Off to bed now. Still have the nailpolish on though...hehehe....love it!
Tonight, same thing. Came home (well to the hotel), got dressed up partially...which means light makeup, lippie, girls jeans, high heels, cami top...oh yes and earrings and bracelet...and off course perfume...just loooooooove perfume.
Anyway, sat on the terrace of my room with a glass of wine and painted my nails with my fav MAC nail polish...Mmmm, not as successful this time. But I've learnt that some clear varnish over the top afterwards can hide a multitude of bothch ups.
So all round I'm fairly pleased with my nails.
Then I felt like a drink...cool bar just down the round from the hotel. What to do...take off make up and nail polish? No way!
Well I did take off my lipstick, earrings and bracelet and threw on a man's sweater over my femmie camisole. Oh yes, and switched the high heels for a pair of Doc Martins.
Of to the cocktail bar...girls jeans, foundation, eye shadow, mascara, nail polish and my girl's "mood" ring.
And nobody even made a comment...damn...I'm such an exhibitionist and a comment would have been great!!! LOL
Sat and drank a lovely glass of wine, flashing my hands around in a very feminine manner...and listened to a group of chicks discuss their shoes. All very relaxing and interesting. Mind you, they were discussing heel heights...mine are much higher than any of them were comfortable with...but then what does comfort have to do with it in any case.
Off to bed now. Still have the nailpolish on though...hehehe....love it!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Blissful Canberra Evening

Had a great evening out with my friend Szusza last night. We met at my fav cocktail bar, Knightsbridge Penthouse (wonderful-sweet-friendly-kind-welcoming-Bria's bar...thanks Bria, you always make me feel welcome).
Anyway, great chatting as always with Szusza. From Knightsbridge we walked across the road to a French restaurant and had dinner...and then back to Knightsbridge Penthouse again for more drinks.
At 1am (or 1.30am) Bria said "Ladies, do you mind if we close now." Ever so sweetly said, but yes it was time to head home.
I always enjoy an evening out in the company of Szusza. Szusza is my transexual friend who lives in Canberra. I admire her enormously. She lives a full and complete life as a woman, doing normal "womanly" things, joining and being accepted at a prestiges business/political/networking club in Canberra...and none of this was easy...Szusza had to bravely go out there and show society that she is a normal regular woman who deserves respect and acceptance.
Szusza was the person who took me out of my comfort zone by extending my public outings from the safety of gay clubs into the real world of "regular" restaurants, clubs and bars. For that I will always be grateful to Szusza and without her firm encouragement I probably still wouldn't be as comfortable and confident going out in the real world.
Thanks Szuzsa and thanks for being a good friend.
Wonderful evening and it was a blissful sleep...after taking a few quick (bad) pics of me in my new Ojay denim pencil skirt (the photos do no justice to how cool and sexy the skirt is) and my new red velvet jacket.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ojay Girl
As some of you know, I'm a big fan of Ojay (an Australian clothing boutique). Most of my outfits are bought from Ojay and the ladies at my the two stores I usually frequent know that I'm a crossdresser and they're really helpful and totally cool with me trying on clothes in the fitting rooms.
Well, Ojay have just taken a step up in my esteem with their new website. Their new Autumn/Winter collection has suggested "looks". Perfect for an evolving girl like me! You go into their "Collection" tab, the select (say) "skirts", find the skirt you like, click on that and then it gives you a look to go with the skirt. Great stuff and very very helpful. I've already selected several looks that I like. And it's amazing how many of their looks already exist in my wardrobe...or maybe it isn't amazing seeing as I tend to buy all my things from them.
I guess you can call me an Ojay-Girl!
Maybe they're looking for a new model...Mmmmm.
Well, Ojay have just taken a step up in my esteem with their new website. Their new Autumn/Winter collection has suggested "looks". Perfect for an evolving girl like me! You go into their "Collection" tab, the select (say) "skirts", find the skirt you like, click on that and then it gives you a look to go with the skirt. Great stuff and very very helpful. I've already selected several looks that I like. And it's amazing how many of their looks already exist in my wardrobe...or maybe it isn't amazing seeing as I tend to buy all my things from them.
I guess you can call me an Ojay-Girl!
Maybe they're looking for a new model...Mmmmm.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
2nd Anniversary

I can't believe that it's only two years since I first emerged into public as Dee. A bit sad to think that it took me 49 years to discover, realise and come to terms with the fact that I was transgendered.
Almost exactly two years ago I stepped out into the street dressed en femme and experienced my trans-ness properly and completely for the first time. Yes it was tentative and a small step...had a makeover done by Ben (aka Vanity Faire) in Oxford Street, Sydney and walked from his salon to my car, then drove through Darlinghurst to Potts Point, where I again mingled with the pedestrians heading home after work as I walked to a photographer's studio. Small step...but a huge leap for me.
A lot has happened since then and I've met wonderful people within the transgendered community.
It was therefore a perfect anniversary celebration for me when I went out in Erskineville with friends about two weeks ago. Katya and Cyanne...two individuals who have helped me enormously and the two people who escorted me to my first proper and real public outing (in October 2004)...and Lorraine, Angie and Julia. A wonderful evening starting at a Thai restaurant in Erskineville and then a short walk to the Imperial Hotel for drinks and more chatting. Perfect evening...low key, but so much enjoyment.
The photographs are of our evening out two weeks ago...my 2nd Anniversary celebration.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Delightful evening in front of the webcam

I had a great evening last week...chatting to friends and meeting a new friend (Hiya Ivy!!!)
I got dressed in my hotel room, had my "room service" dinner and then set up my new webcam and looged on to yahoo to see which of my friends were around. It was great...mainly great because I could sit and look at myself in my webcam window...lol...how's that for vanity!
It did make a big difference to me though in talking to my friends and knowing that they could see me.
PS. Yes, I've "perked" up since my last blog post...nothing like looking at my pics to perk me up.
They pic above is of me on the evening...in my "elle" wig...lol.
The photos say that it doesn't really suit me, but what the hell, I enjoy that look.
Reflecting on 51 years
Today's my birthday...51 years of age.
I don't actually feel any older; in my head my age is stuck somewhere around 30 to 35...maybe even younger...probably even younger. My birthday doesn't mean much to me. It's just one of those things that comes around and ones family makes a bit of a fuss of you and I get a few CD's I've wanted to buy and an interesting book or two.
What I do tend to do though is get a bit melancholy as I reflect on what I've achieved, and more depressingly, on what I haven't achieved. Shattered dreams and all that.
And so it is again today...I had my life planned and mapped out and knew exactly where I'd be and what goals I would have achieved by the age of 50. By the age of 40 I was totally on track to achieve that. And then the last 6 years shit hit me and my dreams and goals all lie shattered. My business partner's view is that we both still have 15 years ahead of us to achieve those dreams, and he is right. But somehow that's no consolation to me on days such as today.
When you're 30, your whole life still lies ahead of you and those goals seem so tangible. By the time your 50 (or 51), the situations not the same any more. Goals not achieved start looking like they're not achievable and off course, you have the unfortunate situation where you know that they haven't been achieved.
So today is melancholy, sad and just a touch depressing.
Tomorrow is another day and as always I'll perk up and just keep fighting away to at least get closer to my unachieved dreams.
I don't actually feel any older; in my head my age is stuck somewhere around 30 to 35...maybe even younger...probably even younger. My birthday doesn't mean much to me. It's just one of those things that comes around and ones family makes a bit of a fuss of you and I get a few CD's I've wanted to buy and an interesting book or two.
What I do tend to do though is get a bit melancholy as I reflect on what I've achieved, and more depressingly, on what I haven't achieved. Shattered dreams and all that.
And so it is again today...I had my life planned and mapped out and knew exactly where I'd be and what goals I would have achieved by the age of 50. By the age of 40 I was totally on track to achieve that. And then the last 6 years shit hit me and my dreams and goals all lie shattered. My business partner's view is that we both still have 15 years ahead of us to achieve those dreams, and he is right. But somehow that's no consolation to me on days such as today.
When you're 30, your whole life still lies ahead of you and those goals seem so tangible. By the time your 50 (or 51), the situations not the same any more. Goals not achieved start looking like they're not achievable and off course, you have the unfortunate situation where you know that they haven't been achieved.
So today is melancholy, sad and just a touch depressing.
Tomorrow is another day and as always I'll perk up and just keep fighting away to at least get closer to my unachieved dreams.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Bad hair day !!!!
I've just looked at some photographs (self portraits, darlings) I took about 10 days ago. It was a lovely evening...in a nice apartment room in Canberra, first time dressed en femme since mid-February, nice bottle of red wine...perfect. Only thing that would have been better was to have had some friends there as well.
Anyway, looked at the photos and ...Oh My God!! Horrors !!
My grandfather used to say that photographs don't lie...I certainly hope they do.
My hair was a shocker...squashed flat after months in a suitcase;
My makeup looked like something out of...well out of "Bad Tranny Looks" (if there was such a magazine);
And my damn waistline looked (looks?) absolutely horrific...fat and shapeless.
So back to the drawing board for me.
I'm almost tempted to post one of the pics here just to show that I'm not lying...but I do have just a touch of vanity, so I'm not going to do it. Might post it in the future when I'm seriously drunk one evening.
God, this is hard work...all this beauty stuff.
Anyway, looked at the photos and ...Oh My God!! Horrors !!
My grandfather used to say that photographs don't lie...I certainly hope they do.
My hair was a shocker...squashed flat after months in a suitcase;
My makeup looked like something out of...well out of "Bad Tranny Looks" (if there was such a magazine);
And my damn waistline looked (looks?) absolutely horrific...fat and shapeless.
So back to the drawing board for me.
I'm almost tempted to post one of the pics here just to show that I'm not lying...but I do have just a touch of vanity, so I'm not going to do it. Might post it in the future when I'm seriously drunk one evening.
God, this is hard work...all this beauty stuff.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Work, work, work...and beauty therapy for the (femme) soul
Work, work, work...that's all my life seems to consist of at the moment. It's actually getting quite boring; both the continual work and the fact that "work" takes up all of my thought processes...and the fact that I keep talking about it is also boring.
At least I have been keeping up my beauty regime and added a new therapy, namely regular eye brow shaping. In my head and being I am off course always transgendered, but I've had very little opportunity to physically express my feminine side through dressing (twice since mid-December)and going out (once since mid-December). I therefore really value and appreciate my regular beauty "treatments, which consists of leg, stomach and chest wax every 4 weeks and since recently, a monthly eye brow shaping at Sharon-Lee Studios.
Now if only I can get my life sorted out so that I can actually go out and show off the results of this regular beauty regiment.
Ah well, I'm sure it will happen soon...And in the meantime I'll just keep making sure that my bod and face is ready for when opportunity knocks.
At least I have been keeping up my beauty regime and added a new therapy, namely regular eye brow shaping. In my head and being I am off course always transgendered, but I've had very little opportunity to physically express my feminine side through dressing (twice since mid-December)and going out (once since mid-December). I therefore really value and appreciate my regular beauty "treatments, which consists of leg, stomach and chest wax every 4 weeks and since recently, a monthly eye brow shaping at Sharon-Lee Studios.
Now if only I can get my life sorted out so that I can actually go out and show off the results of this regular beauty regiment.
Ah well, I'm sure it will happen soon...And in the meantime I'll just keep making sure that my bod and face is ready for when opportunity knocks.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Good times and disappointments
This past Thursday evening was my first opportunity to get dressed since mid-February. That means that I've only been able to dress twice since before Xmas.
I was back in Canberra on Thursday and Friday and I planned a relaxed evening in the hotel room, doing my makeup and trying on all the items of clothing that I bought on eBay over the past few weeks. My life's been very intense from a work perspective and because of that I decided that I wouldn't go out...just stay in the hotel suite and watch TV with a glass (actually a few glasses) of wine. Maybe pose a little in the various new outfits.
And it was a lovely relaxing evening. Nearly went out...that always happens to me; once I'm dressed I just have to go out for a drink.
The only disappointment of the evening was all the bad purchases that I've made off eBay. The wonderful velvet jacket (see previous blog entry for photo) is too small, the Chinese satin jacket did arrive and is beautiful...but waaaaaaaay to small (ladies XXL in China clearly means something totally different), leather skirt (allegedly from Spain) is gorgeous but doesn't come even close to getting around my waist....what else? There were a few other items that also turned out to be duds. At least the two wrap dresses do fit me, but I will have to do something about the weight I've managed to accumulate around my waist.
Looks like Transfabulous/Cyanne/Katya will be receiving a donation of clothes from me.
The contentment of getting dressed and seeing myself back in en femme mode was wonderful.
I was back in Canberra on Thursday and Friday and I planned a relaxed evening in the hotel room, doing my makeup and trying on all the items of clothing that I bought on eBay over the past few weeks. My life's been very intense from a work perspective and because of that I decided that I wouldn't go out...just stay in the hotel suite and watch TV with a glass (actually a few glasses) of wine. Maybe pose a little in the various new outfits.
And it was a lovely relaxing evening. Nearly went out...that always happens to me; once I'm dressed I just have to go out for a drink.
The only disappointment of the evening was all the bad purchases that I've made off eBay. The wonderful velvet jacket (see previous blog entry for photo) is too small, the Chinese satin jacket did arrive and is beautiful...but waaaaaaaay to small (ladies XXL in China clearly means something totally different), leather skirt (allegedly from Spain) is gorgeous but doesn't come even close to getting around my waist....what else? There were a few other items that also turned out to be duds. At least the two wrap dresses do fit me, but I will have to do something about the weight I've managed to accumulate around my waist.
Looks like Transfabulous/Cyanne/Katya will be receiving a donation of clothes from me.
The contentment of getting dressed and seeing myself back in en femme mode was wonderful.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Stress turns into shopping mania

Whenever I'm highly stressed at work and under pressure, my mind takes me to one of three different places...actually my mind takes me to all three places but I get to chose which one I make use of to relieve the stress. Two of the "places" are a) get dressed and go out for a drink or dinner (or both) en femme and b) go shoppin!!! The third "place" my mind takes me is not a "healthy" place so I won't discuss that and fortunately I generally avoid going there.
So the past 4 weeks have been particularly pressurised and stressfull at work. Going out en femme was not an option, so instead I hopped onto eBay and other online shopping resources every few hours when my mind was in need of a break and my psyche in need of a recharged battery.
And did I shop!!
Most of what I bought was totally the wrong thing and its highly unlikely that I'd ever wear it in public...either not appropriate for my age or not something that I would ever wear in a normal environment. For instance, I got stuck on a fetish clothing site and ended up buying a short dress (very short!!) with a net frill at the bottom...unless I attend a fetish party (which is unlikely for the pure reason that I never go out en femme on weekends when any such fetish party may be held) I'd never get the occasion to wear it...and the fact that it's so short that my bottom is only covered by the netting, also make it unlikely that I'd be wearing it even if I did go to a fetish party...lol...silly t-girl.
I did buy a brown velvet jacket which I think is going to be gorgeous. Brown's not really my colour, but it was such a gorgeous jacket that I just had to have it. It's in the mail on it's way to me from the USA. That's a photo of it above.
And then I bought a Chinese red satin jacket...again have no idea when and where I'm going to wear that to. Then again there is a good chance that it's never going to arrive...I bought it for 6c...yes 6 cents...the postage is $22 and the compulsory insurance cost $1. If the item doesn't arrive, the seller will refund the cost of the purchase. Mmmm...so if it doesn't arrive I get 6c back?! And if it wasn't mailed in the first place, then the seller has made $23! Let's see whether this item of clothing is ever going to arrive. And if it does, where the hell am I going to wear it to?
My first and final items of purchase were two wrap dresses. I nearly had three!! I bid on one dress, then saw that the same dress was available for "buy now" at less than my bid on the first dress...so I took the instant "buy now" option and then hoped like hell that I'd get outbid on the first one...which eventually happened after 4 days. Phew!!
All I have to do before I can wear the (very tight) wrap dresses in public is either lose some weight around my waistline or get one of those waisty-cinchy-thingies that Cyanne has been trying to get me into. I tried on the wrap dresses this morning ("Home Alone"-closet-tranny-time) and it looks really cool with a pair of western boots that I've owned for 20 years. The boots are guy boots, but I think they work with the wrap dresses.
Also bought some jewellery from Gallery Serpentine. It's different...sort of gothic victorian...I really like it. Earrings and necklace and I'm now planning to get a bracelet in a similar style from the jeweller.
I need to get out there again...soon...otherwise I'll end up with an even bigger wardrobe.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Eye brow shaping at Sharon-Lee Studios
I had another new and interesting experience today. I went and had my eye brows shaped at Sharon-Lee Studios in Double Bay.
Beautifully designed and decorated studio.
And the beautician who did my eye brows was amazingly skilled. I'm sure they all are.
Today's visit was a cautious one. I just wanted to check out the lie of the land so to speak. Didn't do my usual "I'm a lady!" bit. So my brows were neatly and expertly tidied up, but from the perspective of them being a guy's brows. Next time I'll start getting a bit more adventurous and ask her to subtly create a more feminine shape...and arch if that's at all possible.
Anyway, made my week. I felt so good when I came out of there.
Beautifully designed and decorated studio.
And the beautician who did my eye brows was amazingly skilled. I'm sure they all are.
Today's visit was a cautious one. I just wanted to check out the lie of the land so to speak. Didn't do my usual "I'm a lady!" bit. So my brows were neatly and expertly tidied up, but from the perspective of them being a guy's brows. Next time I'll start getting a bit more adventurous and ask her to subtly create a more feminine shape...and arch if that's at all possible.
Anyway, made my week. I felt so good when I came out of there.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The woes of mature age bodies
Six months of over-work and business travel (which for me means lots of vodka martini's, other cocktails and bad eating) followed by stopping smoking (which means that I now drink alcholhol when I would previously have had a cigarette) has taken it's toll on my figure. I've gained about 8kg's over the past 6 months or so, and it has off course all settled around my waist.
I'm reasonable fit and my legs and butt still look good....but oh dear...this stomach!!! Horrors is all I can say.
And the waist cincher suggested by Cyanne is not going to help at all...it's going to have to be damn strong to have any success in the waist reduction department.
This past weekend I finally decided to take myself in hand and deal with the fat stomach. So after my long Sunday run, I set about doing abs exercises.
How did it go you ask? Well my dear, I managed to tear an abdominal muscle instead of exercising it. That's put a stop to my abs exercises for at least the next 3 to 4 weeks.
Yes, the woes of a mature age body.
(no photo being published of the fat stomach)
I'm reasonable fit and my legs and butt still look good....but oh dear...this stomach!!! Horrors is all I can say.
And the waist cincher suggested by Cyanne is not going to help at all...it's going to have to be damn strong to have any success in the waist reduction department.
This past weekend I finally decided to take myself in hand and deal with the fat stomach. So after my long Sunday run, I set about doing abs exercises.
How did it go you ask? Well my dear, I managed to tear an abdominal muscle instead of exercising it. That's put a stop to my abs exercises for at least the next 3 to 4 weeks.
Yes, the woes of a mature age body.
(no photo being published of the fat stomach)
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Normal chick doing normal things...Mmm, really?

Following on from the previous post, I also reflected on how "normal" my en femme activities are. In many respects that is true. I've progressed from the "lingerie-sexual-(slightly)deviant stage to a stage where I really love dressing as most normal woman would and where I dress in clothes that reflect my personality and ties in with my dress style as a guy...so yes, I love jeans and t-shirts.
As part of my reflection I looked at some past photos (one posted in this blog)and thought..."now isn't that just absolutely normal?". You be the judge of that.
And then I realised...would my wife spend an hour or so in the hotel room taking photographs of herself before going out to dinner? I don't think so!! So I guess I'm still not a normal woman...and probably never will be. But I am me!!
Happy and content stage of my development
Over the past few days I've (for some or other reason) on several occasions reflected on my transgenderism (which is what's in my brain and heart) and my crossdressing (which is...well, which is dressing as a woman...lol). And I have to say that reflecting on where I've come from and where I've got really created a warm, happy and at peace feeling in me.
Yes, I'd love to be able to dress more often and go out for dinner and a drink with friends while dressed en femme. In fact I'd like to wonder around Paddington with my friends, window shopping and stopping for a coffee and generally just having a normal life...but dressed en femme. And yes, still not having told my wife about me and my transgenderism and crossdressing is causing me angst, discomfort and a level of unhappiness. But overall, I can't imagine being able to be this content and happy had I not developed my crossdressing and understanding of my transgenderism to this point.
Where is it heading? All I know is that I have to tell my wife...after that I think I'd be able to raise to a whole new level of peace, happiness and wholeness...the deceit will be gone and that will mean that our relationship is once more complete, totally open and honest and "whole".
I think the time for telling her is near...over the past three years or relationship was impacted by external environmental stresses We knew that and we knew that we'd get back to our "soulmate" relationship. That's pretty much happened and I therefore no longer have an excuse for not telling her.
Now off course, this may take several months!! My brain and heart knows that the time is nigh...my gut is not yet totally convinced and seeing as I'm an intuitive "gut-feel" kinda person, my gut makes the final decisions.
Yes, I'd love to be able to dress more often and go out for dinner and a drink with friends while dressed en femme. In fact I'd like to wonder around Paddington with my friends, window shopping and stopping for a coffee and generally just having a normal life...but dressed en femme. And yes, still not having told my wife about me and my transgenderism and crossdressing is causing me angst, discomfort and a level of unhappiness. But overall, I can't imagine being able to be this content and happy had I not developed my crossdressing and understanding of my transgenderism to this point.
Where is it heading? All I know is that I have to tell my wife...after that I think I'd be able to raise to a whole new level of peace, happiness and wholeness...the deceit will be gone and that will mean that our relationship is once more complete, totally open and honest and "whole".
I think the time for telling her is near...over the past three years or relationship was impacted by external environmental stresses We knew that and we knew that we'd get back to our "soulmate" relationship. That's pretty much happened and I therefore no longer have an excuse for not telling her.
Now off course, this may take several months!! My brain and heart knows that the time is nigh...my gut is not yet totally convinced and seeing as I'm an intuitive "gut-feel" kinda person, my gut makes the final decisions.
Monday, April 03, 2006
April Fools Weekend
And I was a bit of a fool, although not an April Fool. I was a fool because I spent far too much time online. The weather was great, I could have gone for a surf, or sat at an outside cafe reading or chatting and drinking coffee...but no, I became obsessed with some totally unnecessary and worthless online activities.
Note to self - cut out the crap and spend your time on worthwhile activities.
Other than that, it was a good weeked. I was at peace for a change (other than for the aforementioned obsessive addicted behaviour) and everyone else in the family was also at peace and relaxed.
Oh yes, a friend came round for a casual dinner last night (Sunday evening) and she had a beautiful scarf round her neck. It mesmerised me the whole evening and for the first time I realised the extent to which a beautiful scarf can turn a very simple understated outfit into something very stunning and interesting. So guess what I'm going shopping for next!
Note to self - cut out the crap and spend your time on worthwhile activities.
Other than that, it was a good weeked. I was at peace for a change (other than for the aforementioned obsessive addicted behaviour) and everyone else in the family was also at peace and relaxed.
Oh yes, a friend came round for a casual dinner last night (Sunday evening) and she had a beautiful scarf round her neck. It mesmerised me the whole evening and for the first time I realised the extent to which a beautiful scarf can turn a very simple understated outfit into something very stunning and interesting. So guess what I'm going shopping for next!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Time for a change of direction for my blog? I think so.
I think it's time to change the nature and use of this blog. It was originally created to track and comment on my public outings and unusual experiences like going to exotic dance classes. That was great and I needed a space and place to record those.
That need however doesn't exist within me anymore. Yes I still love going out, probably now more than ever. There is however no longer any burning need inside me to talk about each time that I've been out. This is partly so because it has become more "normal" to me; and then I have to admit that my public excursions will probably be less often now that I'm travelling less on business.
What I do have a personal need for is a diary where I can ramble about my personal and inner thoughts as I go through the ongoing journey of discovery.
YES! for you 30-something youngsters who sometimes read my blog...at the age of 50 I've discovered that my journey has only just began and that most of my early (of age 20's and 30's) expectations and visions of where I'd be now and what I'd be doing have proved to be totally and completely wrong. Oh yeah and guess what...I may be 50 but I still feel, think and act pretty much exactly as I did in my 20's...although I do now have the benefit of some life experience.
Anyway, as usual I digress...back to my new blog...
Will this include thoughts and comments relating to my transgenderism? Absolutely!! Not a day goes by that I don't think about my transgenderism and my crossdressing (two separate things in my opinion). In fact I probably don't go for more than 2 hours without thinking about?
I am inclined to express my deepest and personal thoughts. I wasn't always like this; I use to keep everything to myself, but as I've uncovered my previously hidden transgendered side, so I've become a more open person. In the past I did have periods where I was a very open person and then periods where I withdrew into myself. My most successful times have been when I was open.
You will therefore mostly likely find this new direction to be very boring and irrelevant. That's okay, you may gracefully and quietly "disappear" from viewing and commenting on my blogs...I won't be offended, that I can assure you. In fact I probably shouldn't even be expressing my thoughts, feelings and ramblings in such a public way. However, I'll ignore my own good advice and put my thoughst and ramblings out there because something inside me needs to do that.
That need however doesn't exist within me anymore. Yes I still love going out, probably now more than ever. There is however no longer any burning need inside me to talk about each time that I've been out. This is partly so because it has become more "normal" to me; and then I have to admit that my public excursions will probably be less often now that I'm travelling less on business.
What I do have a personal need for is a diary where I can ramble about my personal and inner thoughts as I go through the ongoing journey of discovery.
YES! for you 30-something youngsters who sometimes read my blog...at the age of 50 I've discovered that my journey has only just began and that most of my early (of age 20's and 30's) expectations and visions of where I'd be now and what I'd be doing have proved to be totally and completely wrong. Oh yeah and guess what...I may be 50 but I still feel, think and act pretty much exactly as I did in my 20's...although I do now have the benefit of some life experience.
Anyway, as usual I digress...back to my new blog...
Will this include thoughts and comments relating to my transgenderism? Absolutely!! Not a day goes by that I don't think about my transgenderism and my crossdressing (two separate things in my opinion). In fact I probably don't go for more than 2 hours without thinking about?
I am inclined to express my deepest and personal thoughts. I wasn't always like this; I use to keep everything to myself, but as I've uncovered my previously hidden transgendered side, so I've become a more open person. In the past I did have periods where I was a very open person and then periods where I withdrew into myself. My most successful times have been when I was open.
You will therefore mostly likely find this new direction to be very boring and irrelevant. That's okay, you may gracefully and quietly "disappear" from viewing and commenting on my blogs...I won't be offended, that I can assure you. In fact I probably shouldn't even be expressing my thoughts, feelings and ramblings in such a public way. However, I'll ignore my own good advice and put my thoughst and ramblings out there because something inside me needs to do that.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Work..or go out?

What does a t-girl do when she has an immutable deadline, heaps of work to get done in order to meet the deadline and she's working in her hotel room...oh yes, and she hasn't been out for more than 2 months (not since mid-December!!!)?
Well, what she does is she gets dressed up, does her makeup during her breaks from work and keeps working like the sensible person that she is...and takes bad self-portraits as you can see from the pic.
and then she has a glass of red wine...and then another glass of red wine...
and then Szusza calls at 10.30pm to say that she's about to go Cube Nightclub to watch two friends in the karaoke final...
and then what does Dee do?
Well my dears, off course I decide "stuff the work", touch-up my lipstick, grab my hand bag and head out of the hotel room and out the front door to meet Szusza and head off for Cube!!
Sensible? Not at all!
Wonderful, delightful, fulfilling, soul-centering? Aboslutely!!
Dee's back in town!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Out of the wardrobe, into the closet
As some of you may know, I rented a room in Canberra late last year and thereby managed to get all of my femme stuff out of it's various hiding places and into a proper wardrobe. What a wonderful experience for this here (semi) closeted t-girl. For the first time I had everything easily accessible, not to mention the fact that my clothes, wigs and stuff was no longer squashed and scrunched up in suitcases. I discovered things that I'd forgotten about.
Just the best best experience...my own room with all my Dee-stuff neatly packed away and easily accesible. That wonderful feeling of opening the wardrobe, examining your outfits and deciding what to wear for the evening. That's a feeling you simply cannot recreate out of a suitcase.
But, alas, my Canberra-time has come to an end and so I've given up the room. It was always only going to be a short while, but various circumstances have caused my Canberra sojourn to come to an end sooner than originally planned.
I'll miss my wardrobe and I'll miss my regular and easy evening outings around Canberra. At the same time it's great to be back with my family on a permanent basis as opposed to only seeing them on weekends. The fact is that my family is more important to me than anything else...so yes, now I don't get to out en femme as easily and as regularly...but I'm happy with that.
My goodies are now all back in suitcases...my stash has grown to two suitcases and a biggish bag. And those are back in my home office...danger territory for sure. I'll have to find a more permanent place to store my things. Somewhere where I can unpack it properly.
So it's back into the closet with me and my things...till I can sort out my femme life.
Just the best best experience...my own room with all my Dee-stuff neatly packed away and easily accesible. That wonderful feeling of opening the wardrobe, examining your outfits and deciding what to wear for the evening. That's a feeling you simply cannot recreate out of a suitcase.
But, alas, my Canberra-time has come to an end and so I've given up the room. It was always only going to be a short while, but various circumstances have caused my Canberra sojourn to come to an end sooner than originally planned.
I'll miss my wardrobe and I'll miss my regular and easy evening outings around Canberra. At the same time it's great to be back with my family on a permanent basis as opposed to only seeing them on weekends. The fact is that my family is more important to me than anything else...so yes, now I don't get to out en femme as easily and as regularly...but I'm happy with that.
My goodies are now all back in suitcases...my stash has grown to two suitcases and a biggish bag. And those are back in my home office...danger territory for sure. I'll have to find a more permanent place to store my things. Somewhere where I can unpack it properly.
So it's back into the closet with me and my things...till I can sort out my femme life.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Beautiful music from a transgendered person..Antony + the Johnsons
Girls (and boys), do yourself a favour and go and listen to "I am a bird now" by Anthony + the Johnsons. Beautiful beautiful music with the lyrics having a transgendered theme...which is understandable given the fact that Anthony (UK born, lives in NYC) is openly transgendered.
Anthony's music will naturally not appeal to everyone...but if you're transgendered, I think you may just find a special connection with the music and words.
My wife bought this album for me for Xmas. She knows my very specific and selective (although broad) music taste and knew I'd love this album and in addition she was fascinated by a newspaper interview with Anthony in which the reporter attempted to explore Anthony's transgendered side.
So this is or was off course the perfect opportunity for me to tell my wife that I'm also transgendered...but yet again my courage failed me.
Anyway, I do find it interesting that my wife was fascinated by the article and that she somehow sub-conciously associated Anthony with me.
But back to the main purpose of this blog...beautiful music, relevant lyrics, sung by a transgendered person with a wonderful voice. Guests providing additional vocals on the album are Boy George ("surprise surprise"...hehehe), Rufus Wainwright (another "surprise surprise"!) and Lou Reed.
Just wish there were more guitars and guitar riffs...ah well, things can't always be perfect.
Anthony's music will naturally not appeal to everyone...but if you're transgendered, I think you may just find a special connection with the music and words.
My wife bought this album for me for Xmas. She knows my very specific and selective (although broad) music taste and knew I'd love this album and in addition she was fascinated by a newspaper interview with Anthony in which the reporter attempted to explore Anthony's transgendered side.
So this is or was off course the perfect opportunity for me to tell my wife that I'm also transgendered...but yet again my courage failed me.
Anyway, I do find it interesting that my wife was fascinated by the article and that she somehow sub-conciously associated Anthony with me.
But back to the main purpose of this blog...beautiful music, relevant lyrics, sung by a transgendered person with a wonderful voice. Guests providing additional vocals on the album are Boy George ("surprise surprise"...hehehe), Rufus Wainwright (another "surprise surprise"!) and Lou Reed.
Just wish there were more guitars and guitar riffs...ah well, things can't always be perfect.
Friday, January 27, 2006
The joys of feminine youth
This morning on the ferry, on my way into the office, I sat and watched a young woman put her makeup on in the 15 minute journey into the city. It was both beautiful to watch and also "envy-creating" and yes, a bit of a reality wake-up for this mature-age tranny.
Firstly, to think that it's possible to get your makeup done within the space of a 15 minute ferry ride, is simply incredible. I've got it down to 1 hour...and I'm proud of that accomplishment. And off course my laboured one-hour does not producing an end product that comes even remotely close to the final look produced by this young woman.
The "Secondly" is off course the reason why she can get her makeup done within 15 minutes...beautiful youthful skin and a feminine face and features. I sat and watched in fascination as she used tiny amounts of foundation, bronzer, eye shadow, etc to create her finished look. I'd use that amount of foundation just to get my nose to look decent. It's all in the difference of the canvas isn't it...her canvas is perfect and flawless and feminine to start with, whereas my canvas needs a lot of preparation before the painting can even begin.
She filled me with envy...but also with joy at watching this beautiful ritual. Watching someone apply their makeup is quite an intimate experience. Is it only because I'm a crossdresser that I'm that fascinated by the process? Or do all men and women find it to be a beautiful process to watch?
Anyway, it was a great way to start the day.
Firstly, to think that it's possible to get your makeup done within the space of a 15 minute ferry ride, is simply incredible. I've got it down to 1 hour...and I'm proud of that accomplishment. And off course my laboured one-hour does not producing an end product that comes even remotely close to the final look produced by this young woman.
The "Secondly" is off course the reason why she can get her makeup done within 15 minutes...beautiful youthful skin and a feminine face and features. I sat and watched in fascination as she used tiny amounts of foundation, bronzer, eye shadow, etc to create her finished look. I'd use that amount of foundation just to get my nose to look decent. It's all in the difference of the canvas isn't it...her canvas is perfect and flawless and feminine to start with, whereas my canvas needs a lot of preparation before the painting can even begin.
She filled me with envy...but also with joy at watching this beautiful ritual. Watching someone apply their makeup is quite an intimate experience. Is it only because I'm a crossdresser that I'm that fascinated by the process? Or do all men and women find it to be a beautiful process to watch?
Anyway, it was a great way to start the day.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Transvestite, is the word that you heard
Several girls, whose blogs I regularly read, have started a campaign around the search results within Google when the word "transvestite" is entered. This seems like a worthwhile campaign to me, so I'm repeating Becky's blog below.
I'm backing the campaign to get Transformation off the top spot for Google searches with the Anti-Transformation Google Bomb! The idea is to "Google Bomb" the Wikipedia entry for transvestite with links labeled simply with the word "transvestite". Google should hopefully see all the links for that word pointing to Wikipedia and count it as a more authoritative source of information. We're not sure how many links it will take, although a conservative estimate is 30.
If you have a blog or a web site, and you support the campaign, please copy and paste the code in the "transvestite" link below into your blog. You'll be doing trannies of the UK and around the world a favour!
If you'd like to use this entire message in your own blog to help promote the Google-Bomb, you can download it here.
Links to this campaign and other blogs
Rambling thoughts and bad poetry: Transvestite, is the word that you heard
I'm backing the campaign to get Transformation off the top spot for Google searches with the Anti-Transformation Google Bomb! The idea is to "Google Bomb" the Wikipedia entry for transvestite with links labeled simply with the word "transvestite". Google should hopefully see all the links for that word pointing to Wikipedia and count it as a more authoritative source of information. We're not sure how many links it will take, although a conservative estimate is 30.
If you have a blog or a web site, and you support the campaign, please copy and paste the code in the "transvestite" link below into your blog. You'll be doing trannies of the UK and around the world a favour!
If you'd like to use this entire message in your own blog to help promote the Google-Bomb, you can download it here.
Links to this campaign and other blogs
Rambling thoughts and bad poetry: Transvestite, is the word that you heard
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