Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Out of the wardrobe, into the closet

As some of you may know, I rented a room in Canberra late last year and thereby managed to get all of my femme stuff out of it's various hiding places and into a proper wardrobe. What a wonderful experience for this here (semi) closeted t-girl. For the first time I had everything easily accessible, not to mention the fact that my clothes, wigs and stuff was no longer squashed and scrunched up in suitcases. I discovered things that I'd forgotten about.
Just the best best experience...my own room with all my Dee-stuff neatly packed away and easily accesible. That wonderful feeling of opening the wardrobe, examining your outfits and deciding what to wear for the evening. That's a feeling you simply cannot recreate out of a suitcase.

But, alas, my Canberra-time has come to an end and so I've given up the room. It was always only going to be a short while, but various circumstances have caused my Canberra sojourn to come to an end sooner than originally planned.
I'll miss my wardrobe and I'll miss my regular and easy evening outings around Canberra. At the same time it's great to be back with my family on a permanent basis as opposed to only seeing them on weekends. The fact is that my family is more important to me than anything else...so yes, now I don't get to out en femme as easily and as regularly...but I'm happy with that.

My goodies are now all back in suitcases...my stash has grown to two suitcases and a biggish bag. And those are back in my home office...danger territory for sure. I'll have to find a more permanent place to store my things. Somewhere where I can unpack it properly.

So it's back into the closet with me and my things...till I can sort out my femme life.


Liz said...


I mourn your loss... But the closet will open again, and the suitcases will unfold, and the creases... wel I hope you have an iron. :)

Good luck sorting things out... Or, as my boss told me recently:

"Good luck with that!"



Anonymous said...

but what a fabulous time you had. and what a great time you will have again at some point!

Anonymous said...

All good things come to an end, but you never know what may be around the corner.

Although I would suggest maybe finding another place for your goodies, other than the home office.

Dee Femina said...

Yes, storing my girl-stuff in my home office is the worst possible place for me, a closet-tranny, to be storing it.
I suspect it's my subconscious-mind wanting me to be discovered.
But it's much better to control my "outing" in a planned manner and so I do have to find a new offsite storing place...fast!!