Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mastered the art of painting my nails...almost

Travelling on business again. So last night I got to my hotel, unpacked my goodies, got dressed up in my femme clothes, makeup and all those things...and the settled down to paint my finger nails. And I did them perfectly...and that with my cheapish practice nail polish. Felt really proud and off course I thought my nails and fingers looked just beautiful.

Tonight, same thing. Came home (well to the hotel), got dressed up partially...which means light makeup, lippie, girls jeans, high heels, cami top...oh yes and earrings and bracelet...and off course perfume...just loooooooove perfume.

Anyway, sat on the terrace of my room with a glass of wine and painted my nails with my fav MAC nail polish...Mmmm, not as successful this time. But I've learnt that some clear varnish over the top afterwards can hide a multitude of bothch ups.

So all round I'm fairly pleased with my nails.

Then I felt like a drink...cool bar just down the round from the hotel. What to do...take off make up and nail polish? No way!
Well I did take off my lipstick, earrings and bracelet and threw on a man's sweater over my femmie camisole. Oh yes, and switched the high heels for a pair of Doc Martins.
Of to the cocktail bar...girls jeans, foundation, eye shadow, mascara, nail polish and my girl's "mood" ring.

And nobody even made a comment...damn...I'm such an exhibitionist and a comment would have been great!!! LOL

Sat and drank a lovely glass of wine, flashing my hands around in a very feminine manner...and listened to a group of chicks discuss their shoes. All very relaxing and interesting. Mind you, they were discussing heel heights...mine are much higher than any of them were comfortable with...but then what does comfort have to do with it in any case.

Off to bed now. Still have the nailpolish on though...hehehe....love it!

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