Saturday, March 05, 2005

Watch the kilo's drop off with exotic dancing

It's amazing what incredible exercise exotic dancing is. That's not the reason why I started doing it, but it's just a fantastic side benefit that I've discovered.

I've always hated going to the gym and haven't done so for about 6 years. Yes I'm fit...I run long distances every week. And because of that my legs are fit, strong and toned. But I've been struggling to lose this middle aged spread (or "tyre") around my waist. In addition I have too much body fat on my torso. I know it's caused by drinking too much wine...that alchohol and sugar just settles around my waist and on my back.

Since having my first exotic dance class two weeks ago, I've been practicing at home about 3 times a week for an hour. It's fantastic exercise and the sweat pours down my body. And off course I love the sexy moves! Looks sooooo fantastic in the mirror, especially with my hotpants or short pink dance dress on.
But the real benefit to me has been the fact that I've lost one kilo over the past two weeks, and all of it from my mid riff. So it looks like I'm slowly going to shake off that horrible stubborn fat. I can also feel that I am getting more flexible and my waist, pelvis and hips definitely have more movement in them than they did before.

So I can't be any happier about all aspects of my new found interest.

One of these days a "slimmed-down Dee" will be able to do a sexy dance show. Can't wait for that.

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