My Canberra-era has probably reached a closure point.
For the past 15 months I've been travelling to Canberra on business on a very regular least monthly and often for many weeks in a row. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to be "Dee" and go out as the total and true Me. Sadly my need to travel to Canberra this regularly has come to an end. It will be sad not to regularly see the many people I've become friends with. No more "resident tranny" at Knightsbridge Penthouse!!
My last night turned out to be a bit of a fizzer...but it was still a fitting and happy ending.
I wasn't sure whether I'd have the time to go work work...damn work!! So I didn't make any arrangements to meet up with anyone. I was working in my hotel room trying to meet a critical deadline. As I often do, I was progressively putting on my makeup while I was for a half-an-hour, then do the for another half and hour and the eyes get done...and so the transformation and work progresses side by side.
By 9.30pm my face was done...still heaps of work work to do, but I was sick of it. Besides, this was my "last" night in Canberra, so how could I not go out.
And my face was PERFECT...the best I've ever done my eyes and the lips were just perfect perfect as well (I guess practice does make perfect...eventually).
The rouge longsleeved t-shirt top from Ojay, jeans, stillettos, black short trench coat (new off eBay). Gorgeous (if I have to say so myself)!!
Run the gauntlet out of the hotel and hope like hell that I don't bump into a work colleague who often stays at the same hotel. Into the car (red V6 3.0 litre Jeep Wrangler...very and off to Knightsbridge Penthouse. My fav bar as regular readers would know. As the resident-tranny I know the owner and most of the bar staff and many many of the regular patrons. Always a wonderful evening chatting to many different and interesting people.
Major disappointment!! I get to Knightsbridge Penthouse and it's closed!!! Major damnation!! I won't get to say "Hi and Bye" to Bria and my many other friends.
What now? Back to the lonely hotel room? No way!!
Off to Tilley's...quiet at Tilley's; almost closing time there. And it's not really a venue where you get to meet and talk to strangers. Anyway, had a glass of wine...was found somewhat unusual and amusing to some young student chicks...not in a horrible way, but they kept glancing at me and whispering. No problem for me...I'm afterall an exhibitionist at heart.
Got bored there, so went to Trinity Bar. Great bar, although I have run into some narrowminded macho young guys there in the past. No problem tonight. Another quiet glass of wine on my own. Then got bored there as well. Into the ladies loo for a "retuck" and to touch up my lipstick.
Where to now?
Ah, let's head into slightly more "squares-ville" and show the "normal" people what a real live tranny looks and acts like. Its now 11pm and I'm thinking of one of two options...either go for coffee and dessert at a trendy (and expensive) restaurant which I've often thought of having a meal at; or go to Muddle, a trendy bar for the "30-40 somethings".
Got there and the restaurant was closing it's option 2, Muddle.
Walked into Muddle and it's PACKED!! You could hardly move in there. A quiet unobtrusive entry is impossible. Squeeze squeeze "excuse me, excuse me" through to the bar area. But everyone was ever so polite...mainly young professionals (well young by my age-standards) and the guys ever so politely moved aside for me to squeeze through...just as they would for any lady trying to get to the bar. Nice feeling and nice manners displayed by all of them. Just normal!! And that's how I like it. Guys didn't give me a second look; ladies did. Funny about that...the women always "check me out". But then I guess women always check each other out in any case.
Delicious creamy cocktail. Most enjoyable, but again very "quiet" in that it isn't the type of bar where strangers talk to strangers...unlike Knightsbridge Penthouse where I've always ended up in delightful and interesting chats with total strangers. Interesting how an owner (Bria at Knightsbridge P) attracts patrons that reflect her own friendly open communicative manner.
The evening ended quietly as it started...finished my cocktail and headed back to the hotel. made it safely to my room without encountering the nightwatchman or my work colleague.
Not the "last night" I had in mind, but still a very very happy evening and a contented Dee.
PS. Forgot my camera at home...damn...would have loved to have had pics of me with my perfect makeup and gorgeous outfit...ah well, the evening will simply have to be recorded in my memory.