Lana...hope I don't embarras you...but this is just one of the most beautiful photographs I've ever seen. God girl, you are beautiful!!!
Lana's blog is at TransLation.
After many many years of anguish and confusion, I have finally come to understand myself and realised that I have strong female characteristics and these undoubtedly have played a role in making me who I am. And now I realise that I am NOT JUST A CROSSDRESSER...I am so much more that that...I am transgendered and more specifically, androgyne transgendered...the so-called "third sex". I know who I am, and I'm comfortable and happy with me and my persona.
Hey Lana, I don't see any Boy George...I just a beautiful Italian girl. I'm very envious babe!!
That's probably because it is just a girl. :-)
Lana was using other people's pictures on her Flickr stream and passing them off as her own. I rather publicly outed her a while back.
Shame I know, we'd all like to think that there are trannies out there that could look that good.
What a complete dill I am!! So Lana was a fraud and I fell for it! Damn, I really thought I'd be just a touch more intelligent.
Thanks for enlightening me Becky.
Hi Lana
I don't hate you babe and I'm sure most or many other people don't hate you either.
It's just that one (okay one = me)feels such a fool for having fallen for your photos of a beautiful girl. So I've probably reacted a bit strongly in my previous comment on this blog.
All I'd like to say is "be yourself babe". Don't hide behind other peoples' photos...unless you state that it's your fantasy image ...which is something that several other girls have done and everyone accepts it and is cool with it.
Stay in touch...my email is dee@deefemina.com
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