Monday, January 24, 2005

Welcome to my blog

I've been thinking about this for ages. Starting my own blog where I can record my thoughts, views, feelings and everything else relating to my crossdressing. Why? Well partly because I only fully came to understand myself, my transgenderism, my need to crossdress, and everything else relating to that part of my personal development, when I started writing it down. There is something incredibly powerful when you write things can reflect on it, analyse it, explore the thought further and then I generally find that my thought processes gets refined until it's clear.

My intention is to record my thoughts on this blog. Some posts may be irrelevant and even boring to anyone other than myself. At other times I'll express my opinions on topics which are relevant to the transgender community, and there are many that are controversial and where I have an opinion. Or maybe I'll just talk about my music interests. I don't know. Let's see where this goes.

By the way, I'd love comments and feedback from anyone who reads my blogs.

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